Are You Still Learning To Live Together, Zaroorat Rishta in Pakistan
Are You Still Learning To Live Together

Are You Still Learning To Live Together?

Since the primordial age, count it from the period of Eve and Adam, couples are adjusting themselves according to the given standards for the optimal exercise of relationship within the parameters of social patterns. Human nature inherently is not complying and submitting to the oppressed forces whereas marital bond is kind of ironical bond in which both are bound to seek each other’s approval, though, in some societies the structural demand of society positioned one partner into servility to the other but it could be safely postulated that the sacred relationship never came across to the point of agreement where conformity could have got the chance to breed.

Possessive wives are still in fashion

Wives are skeptical, it is a common rhetoric, but if you think that with the advent of media and technology and modernity wives will emancipate themselves from the agony of doubt then you are in hallucinations. They will never stop loving their husbands and possessiveness comes with the love.

Husbands are still doubting Thomas

No matter what you become, they will keep overpowering you for nothing. The force behind such practice is nothing but love. Nobody can escape the traditional relation between the couple until love extinct from the grace of universe.

Masculinity cult is a same bright star as it was

Patriarchal nature of man has influenced women to the scale where she came to realize that she has become part of this patriarchy and actually playing role in strengthening it.

Conflicts, fights, doubts, gender norms , parochial mindset , masculinity cults, delicate pious girls, patriarchal social structure are still in the fashion and they are conceivably not gonna reduced in near future until one from man and women reach to its extinction.

Article Credits: Zaroorat Rishta in Pakistan

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