True love lasts till the last breath, Marriage in Pakistan
True love lasts till the last breath

True Love Lasts Till The Last Breath

Nikah is the form of true love, one can manifest with its true spirit. It is the bond that can stay for the life time. Practice of demanding love by overlooking its natural requirement, Nikah, is illogical. Such practice leads to no logical ending. its product is mere heart break, disappointment and dejection. Unilateral impulse to live the love till the end is living it by securing the relationship first. Ephemeral nature of affectionate feelings demands imperative solution for it.  Did you ever observe that why people with the marital bond stay longer with each other more than those who love out of wedlock? You name any culture; the vowed bondage stays stronger and longer.

Did you ever ponder why wedlock relation lasts longer?

True love is unconditional

An outright fabrication is no essential in marriage as it is based on truth, whereas the hollow love uttered with empty words deals on the premises of conditions.  The very conditional nature let the relation die its natural death within no time. Real love contains no impartiality. It is always passionate, biased and partial and it should be.

It is the soul to soul relation

Soul is betrayed in the temporarynature relationship. True love is the food of soul. It needs to be nourished for the intellectual and mental wellbeing of man. Selfless love is the cure to the broken soul, on the contrary, soulless relation just leads to mess and frustration in one’s life.

Materialism has no room

Inconsiderate nature of human has no space in it. It is packed with care, share and love which is the true manifestation of true love. Ineffable blessings of Nikah underscores that it overcomes the faults and flaws of relationship and leaves indomitable love.

It gives way to companionship

Inexorable conditions to fulfill are not the part of such a beautiful relationship. It is lenient and set the partner free to love which leads to friendship and companionship. It underscores the importance of companionship in relation rather than tying one into the shackles of breakable promises. It does not bring ignominy of not fulfilling the promise on your partner and this is how true love prevails till the last breath.

Article Credits: Marriage in Pakistan

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