karachi is the heart of Pakistan, holds the center stage in every walk of life. when it comes to matrimonial matters, karachi is upfront. This time shaadee.pk chose Karachi for the event to tell people about marriage and nuptial matters that how easy it has become. we gathered lot of smiles , appreciations, love, reverence and parys. We won your trust and love in return of get you rishtay. Ladies took keen interest in the talk related to our rishtay making service, match making is the need of every hour. We sell hearts in return of trust and your confidence. karachi has a special culture Sindh presents the richest valley of oldest civilization which deals with the versatile issues and one among them is the rishaty in Sindh. Karachi being the capital and the center of Sindh, sindhi rishtay are available not only in villages but also in Karachi. We make rishtay in exchange of smile. The event overall stayed successful and achieved its target of getting maximum people registered on our panel. shaadee.pk is here to stay till you get married.

Shaadee.pk – Karachi Carnival

Shaadee.pk – Karachi Carnival

Shaadee.pk – Karachi Carnival

Shaadee.pk – Karachi Carnival