Women fest was a great event and shaadee.pk made it even greater with setting its stall on the front. when there is a talk about women, it is impossible to not to talk about wedding, rishtay, love, make up and fashion. Shaadee.pk deals with the most important event of women’s life. Married women were looking for rishtay for their daughters and sisters, the long story short, the rishtay finding thing is the agenda of every household. you are women of any age or any class, you must be looking for some good rishta if not for yourself then for your sisters or daughters or for your sons or brothers. shaadee.pk chose the right occasion to spread the awareness about how to find the right rishta. The event went so awesome that we got hundreds of membership at the spot. ”life has become so busy that we are unable to find the perfect match, not because of small choice but due to the wide variety available to us”, it was the comment of one of our fan on the stall. Dear women, your trust and confidence on us make us what we want to do.