Why are people so critical of a woman who marries a wealthy man? Why does our society rush to judgment and condemn women as “golddiggers”? Instead of criticizing or passing judgment on other people’s decisions, we should rejoice when they are happy. It’s time for society to adopt a different …
Read More »The Emotional Sensitivity of Mothers: A Multifaceted Perspective
Motherhood is a profound and multifaceted experience that encompasses joy, love, challenges, and, at times, heightened emotional sensitivity. While it is important to remember that not all mothers are equally sensitive, there are several factors that contribute to the notion that many mothers tend to be more emotionally sensitive. This …
Read More »An open letter to a Wife from a Husband living far away
My Dearest As I sit down to write these words, my heart aches with both longing and love. The distance between us feels like an eternity, yet it is a testament to the strength of our bond that even the miles cannot diminish. Each day that passes without your presence …
Read More »A good wife is a good mother, and a good husband is an excellent father-Be good
Marcus Aurelius was the famous and one of the most potent emperors in Roman History. He was also a stoic philosopher. He summarized his all patient teaching in one beautiful sentence. “Just do the right thing, and the rest doesn’t matter”. He conveyed one of the most important philosophies of …
Read More »It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship
It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages. It is not a lack of love but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages. The unabashed declaration is that love is the central theme on which the universe is designed and keeps …
Read More »Ap ki soch vs Society ki soch
Social patterns are stringent. On has to follow anyway. There is no other way to live but in a gregarious manner because humans can’t survive in desolation. Social laws are good because they keep checking on the moral duties of a person. So the question arises here to what extent …
Read More »Women and Economy
Women and Economy Policies that are made in the favor of family and especially for women are always in the best interests of the socio-economic development of a country. By applying women’s rights and family-oriented policies at the heart of public planning and budgeting, the economy can perform better. Political …
Read More »رشتوں میں عمر کا فرق
رشتے میں بہت سے عوامل باہمی تعلقات کو متاثر کر سکتے ہیں، اور عمر ان عوامل میں سےصرف ایک ہے۔ عمر (ایج) رشتے کو اوور آل متعین نہیں کرتی۔ لیکن ایسا لگتا ہے کہ معاشرہ اب بھی عمر کے فرق کو رشتے کے ٹوٹنے اور بچانے میں اہم کردار …
Read More »AGE GAP — Should It Matter
Many factors can affect a relationship, and age is just one of these factors. Still, it seems like society still gawks at partners with age gaps between them. Does age matter in a relationship? According to experts, not so much, and the age differences impact a couple varies from partnership …
Read More »A Happy Marriage: What is the primary requirement?
A successful marriage takes commitment, time and sacrifice. It is not a bed of roses, although it seems like in movies and novels where couples live happily forever. But it doesn’t happen in real life. Like any other valuable thing in life, one must invest time, energy, blood, and sweat …
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